Nikon 20FM Instructions Manual
The Nikon FM is a compact 35mm single-lens reflex camera that offers a host of advanced features amateur photographers and professionals a like will appreciate.It is designed to accept virtually every accessory of the Nikon System-the most comprehensive ever created for photography-so it can do virtually everything the top rated SLR’s can do with that unique precision and reliability which you have come to associate with Nikon. To get the most out of this camera, study the instructions in this manual carefully, as well as those in related manuals, and practice using the controls—before loading the camera with film. Keep the manual on hand for ready reference until you have mastered operation. The few minutes you spend familiarizing yourself with the camera will guarantee you the best results and increase your pleasure in taking pictures many times over.
The Nikon FM’s built-in exposure meter is powered by two button-cell type 1.5V silver-oxide batteries. These are mounted in the battery clip, which forms a single unit with the battery chamber’s coin-slotted lid, in the camera’s base-plate. To install the batteries, first unscrew the lid by turning it counterclockwise, with a coin or something similar, until it can be freely removed by hand. Then, seat the two batteries in the battery clip, one on top of the other, making sure that their respective plus (+) and minus ( - ) indications correspond with similar marks provided in the clip. After seating the batteries correctly, replace the lid, and secure the connection by turning it clockwise with the coin as far as it will go. It is advisable to remove the batteries, when the camera is not to be used for a long period, to prevent battery leakage within the camera; for additional information on this, refer to “Tips on Camera Care” on page
Checking Battery Power
To check battery power, move the camera’s film advance lever from the flush to the stand off position by pulling it just far enough to uncover the red index on top of the camera. Then, look through the viewfinder. If any of the LED (light emitting diode) exposure indicators is on, battery power is sufficient for proper operation. Otherwise, check battery seating and make adjustments, if necessary. Should the LED display still fail to light up, change batteries.
Important: When the camera is not in use, make sure that the film advance lever is positioned flush with the camera body.As the lever doubles as the meter on/off switch, leaving it in the stand-off position will result in the camer4’s bat- tery being completely drained in just a few days.
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