Horizon XL Instruction Manual
Select the weigh mode (lock-on),record mode (manual record), algorithm mode (10lb start or 20lb start for livestock) and load bar settings from the setup menu. Turn auto zero on. BAR ERROR displays when no load bars are detected. In manual record, when the animal stands on the platform,scan the EID tag or enter the VID number. Use the left or right direction keys to select VID,TAG and codes 1 to 3 if you wish to enter data in these fields. When the weight is locked on and all data is entered, press the record key.
In auto record,when the animal stands on the platform,scan the EID tag. Release the animal after the weight has locked on and the scale will automatically record the data as the animal leaves the platform. If data is entered using the keypad while in auto record, i.e entering a VID,TAG,or codes,the scale resorts to manual record for that animal and the record key needs to be pressed.
The RECALL key recalls the last weight.
The REWEIGH key reweighs the animal without changing the EID and other data.
The CLEAR key clears all data from the screen. The STATS key provides statistics for a session. Press the STATS key then the right direction key to view data. To start a new session select the CLEAR option at the end of the stats data. The indicator can record data when no loadbars are connected.
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