NOVAG Universal ChessBoard Computer Manual

NOVAG Universal ChessBoard Computer Manual\

Your UNIVERSAL Electronic Chess Board has been especially developed with your easy playing comfort in mind. It is equipped with 81 LEDs (1 LED in each corner of a square) to make it easy to recognize each move. You can play as natural as you like by either sliding the chess pieces across the squares or by picking them up and putting them down on the desired square. Even TAKE BACK moves are extremely easy to execute by simply moving the chess piece to the former position. The computer will recognize this TAKE BACK move and will show you through its LEDs its own TAKE BACK move.

All moves are further more indicated on the easy to read LCD of the NOVAG Chess Computer. The UNIVERSAL is a very versatile Electronic Chess Board because it cannot only be played human versus chess computer but also human versus a third party chess software program via a PC. The included diskette contains the instructions how to play several famous third party chess software programs. NOVAG will endeavor to upgrade these instructions whenever new and popular chess software programs are available on the market.

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