SatGuide on ASUS FAQs

SatGuide on ASUS FAQs

1. How is SatGuide useful to me?
SatGuide navigates you to your destination by giving you turn-by-turn voice prompts. Before embarking on your journey, you are required to enter your destination and SatGuide will lead you to your destination.
2. How do we access SatGuide in ASUS phone? Go to programs File explorer storage card Destinator apps Destinator icon.
3. Can we create a short cut to access SatGuide in ASUS?
Create a new one.
1. Go to storage card.
2. Select Destinator Apps
3. Select Destinator
4. In that you will find the Destinator icon. Please copy that icon and paste it in following path: file explorer my device windows start menu paste that Destinator icon. Please note that while pasting this icon select “paste short cut.” Then you can access the application from programs.
4. What are the maps included in SatGuide Package?
SatGuide package along with ASUS includes ONE INDIA Integrated map which covers detailed maps of more than 30 cities and All India highway network.
5. How do we use ONE INDIA map?
First you need to select the city. Then, you select your destination either through addresses or through POIs.
6. Can I disable speed warning voice prompt given by SatGuide?
Yes, you can disable this speed warning prompts. Please follow the steps below to do the same. Open Destinator application -> more -> settings -> prompts -> Disable the desired option.

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