H-ITT RX4000 instruction manual

H-ITT RX4000 instruction manual

The RX4000 communicates with all H-ITT RF clickers. There is no limit to the number of RF clickers that can be used with the RX4000. The RX4000 has 31 RF channels that can be selected and are provided so that a classroom may have a unique RF channel to avoid interference between another device in or about the classroom. The RX4000 is initially set to channel 07 to operate with H-ITT RF clickers that are also initially set to channel 07. The RX4000 has selectable baud rates for communication to your PC. The default setting is 19.2K baud. Higher Baud rates are available, but typically not needed. If higher baud rates are selected, the length of the USB cable should not exceed 15 feet. There can be more than one RX4000 installed in a very large classroom or auditorium to provide reliable communication with H-ITT’s remote clickers.

The RX4000 provides both USB and Serial communications ports. Connect either of these ports to your classroom PC (do not connect both). The USB connection provides power to the unit, so this is the only connection needed. You will need to install a driver for the USB port in your PC to communicate with H-ITT software (see below for connecting to a computer). However, the RX4000 will power up as indicated below with or without the drivers installed.

Attach the antenna to the SMA connector.
Power up the RX4000 by connecting the USB cable to a PC (that is powered up) or connect the external power supply to the DC power jack. The YELLOW indicator light will turn on and both the GREEN PC com and RED RF com indicators will blink 4 times each. If the RF com indicator blinks more than 4 times, and at a rapid rate, this can indicate that the RF channel selected may have another fixed frequency transmitter operating on the same channel within the range of the base. If this occurs, it is recommended that a different channel be selected using the internal set-up switch described below.

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