Plasma LCD Guide Manual

Plasma LCD Guide Manual

Plasma and LCD represent the future of flatscreen TV, but how does the technology work? We explain all Anyone who has ventured into a electronics shop over the past few years can’t failed to have noticed the quiet revolution taking place in our midst. Gone are the big chunky black boxes with curved screens; the world, it seems, is flat after all. This isn’t just a case of changing fashions. Plasma and LCD screens are changing the way we watch TV; they also have distinct advantages over older types of set, including the trusty CRT (cathode ray tube). Here we look at the technologies involved and explain how each can enhance your viewing pleasure.

Before we take a look at the new kids on the block, we need to explain what came before so we can demonstrate how things are changing for the better. Time for a history lesson. In the beginning there was the cathode ray tube (CRT) - a display technology that’s served us well for nearly a century. So well, in fact, that viable living-room alternatives have only recently…

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