Jupiter Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver pdf

Jupiter Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver pdf

Rockwell’s “Jupiter” GPS receiver is a single-board, 12 parallel-channel receiver engine intended as a component for an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) product. The receiver (shown in Figures 1 and 2) continuously tracks all satellites in view, thus providing accurate satellite positioning data. It is designed for high performance and maximum flexibility in a wide range of OEM configurations including handhelds, panel mounts, sensors, and in-vehicle automotive products.

The highly integrated digital receiver uses the Zodiac chip set composed of two custom Rockwell devices: the “Gemini/Pisces” MonoPac. and the “Scorpio” Digital Signal Processor (DSP). These two custom chips, together with suitable memory devices and a minimum of external components, form a complete low-power, highperformance GPS receiver solution for OEMs.

Product Overview
The “Jupiter” receiver decodes and processes signals from all visible GPS satellites. These satellites, in various orbits around the Earth, broadcast radio frequency (RF) ranging codes and navigation data messages. The receiver uses all available signals to produce a highly…

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