VAIO Notebooks Winter 2007

VAIO Notebooks Winter 2007

Sony introduced VAIO in September 1996 and with it created a whole new lifestyle.
The VAIO name itself perfectly reflects the flair and imagination which Sony has bought to the computer world. Initially meaning “Video Audio Input Output”, as Sony’s products have evolved into a family of digital devices that function together, it has also come to mean “Video Audio Integrated Operation”. Even the design of the VAIO logo has a deep symbolism: the continuous wavy line which makes up the ‘V’ and ‘A’ looks like an analogue sine wave, while the ‘I’ and ‘O’ resemble the numbers one and zero on which computer binary language is based.

Today, VAIO continues to evolve and reflect Sony’s unique style, creating new possibilities in both business and entertainment and firmly establishing itself as the PC for our changing lifestyles.

Notebooks suitable for people who require it for basic every-day applications such as e-mails and surfing the Internet
Designed for screen quality and size, and overall performance
Designed for people who demand top-notch computing power and features from their laptop
Designed for users who require lightweight portability with good battery stamina

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