SLAD 2 Developers and Administrators Guide

SLAD 2 Developers and Administrators Guide

The Security Local Auditing Daemon, or short SLAD, is the local component for network security scans done by the BOSS project. In principle the SLAD is a daemon that can run any given program as a demon, capturing that program’s output on the standard output and standard error streams. This output is stored in memory until requested by the user. For ease of extensibility and maintenance, the daemon reads the information about plugins (programs to be run on the local machine for auditing purposes) on startup from XML-based configuration files.

The SLAD executable, /opt/slad/bin/sladd, contains both the daemon and a command-line based frontend to it. When invoked with wrong or without any parameters, it displays the following helptext:
Usage: sladd [OPTION…]
-p, –pluginpath=/opt/slad/plugins
plug-in directory
-l, –listenport=17002
the port the daemon will listen on
-d, –daemonize
run as daemon
-s, –show=plugins|jobs|
display status
-r, –run=pluginid
run a job
-q, –quit
terminate the daemon
-h, –help
display this help

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