Netscape Directory Server for hp-ux

Netscape Directory Server for hp-ux

Netscape Directory Server for HP-UX is an LDAP server that centralizes application settings, user profiles, group data, policies, and access control information into a network-based registry. Directory Server simplifies user management by eliminating data redundancy and automating data maintenance. It also improves security, enabling administrators to store policies and access control information in the directory for a single authentication source across enterprise or extranet applications.

Reduces administration costs
Netscape Directory Server for HP-UX lets administrators establish a network-based registry that applications can use to store shared data such as user information, groups, and preferences. With Directory Server, applications can achieve location independence by storing and retrieving preferences in the directory instead of reading separate files on a user’s desktop. This allows users to work at virtually any computer as if they were at their own desktop. It also enables IT administrators to manage user credentials and profiles in one place, regardless of the size or number of applications that leverage the information. To enable customer self-administration, Netscape Directory Server for HP-UX distributes administrative control over one or more levels of enterprise management.

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