PC Noice Filters

PC Noice Filters

The PC noise filter is designed to reduce electrical noise, which is generated by engines and elec- tronic accessories, allowing receivers and audio equipment to operate properly. Functioning as a power conditioner, this model filters both the positive and negative leads in the system and can be applied at the noise source and/or at the affected equipment.

Sources of noise which the PC will effectively filter include: fluorescent lights, radars, fans, blowers, pumps, converters, inverters, autopilots or other electronic equipment which draws up to 10 or 25 amps (depending on model). By applying filters at the source, the noise can be silenced before it can contaminate the entire system.

When installed in the power line to electronics which are affected by interference, the PC filters residual noise which may be present in the system. This allows proper operation of VHF radios, loud hailers, direction finders, AM/FM receivers and stereo systems.

A brief analysis of your system may be worthwhile to determine the best location for your filters. One method used to identify noise sources is to switch on accessories one at a time noting the effects upon your electronic gear. If noise is detected when a particular item is turned on, it is best to filter that device at the source. If one source cannot be identified, it may be best to install the filter(s) close to the affected unit(s).

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