SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server on IBM Hardware
The SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server (SLES) distribution is designed to provide a secure and reliable operating system for a variety of purposes. Because security requirements obviously depend on the applications and environment, it is not possible to simply certify that the system is ”secure”, a more precise definition is needed. The Common Criteria (CC) provides a widely recognized methodology for security certifications. A CC evaluation is fundamentally a two-step process, consisting of defining the ”security target” which describes the features that are to be evaluated, and then testing and verifying that the system actually implements these features with a sufficient level of assurance.
This document is a security guide that explains how to set up the evaluated configuration, and provides information to administrators and ordinary users to ensure secure operation of the system. It is intended to be self-contained in addressing the most important issues at a high level, and refers to other existing documentation where more details are needed. The document primarily addresses administrators, but the section ”Security guidelines for users” is intended for ordinary users of the system as well as administrators. Knowledge of the Common Criteria is not required for readers of this document.
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