Accessing a Microsoft SQL Server Table from IBM DB2 UDB 8.2

Accessing a Microsoft SQL Server Table from IBM DB2 UDB 8.2

This document shows the tasks that need to be performed in order to make available a table residing in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 from an IBM DB2 UDB V8.2 both residing on the Microsoft Windows platform.
• IBM DB2 UDB V8.2 (this technote uses DB2 V8.2 for Windows)
• IBM WebSphere Information Integrator V8.2 (A trial version may be downloaded from the IBM developerworks website
• Microsoft SQL Server 2000
• Microsoft Windows Version 2000 (or higher)

Install IBM DB2 UDB V8.2 and IBM WebSphere Information Integrator V8.2 Standard Edition. Advanced and Developer editions of WebSphere Information Integrator will also work for this task.
Steps involved:
Step 1: Create a Wrapper
Step 2: Create a Server
Step 3: Create User Mapping
Step 4: Create a Nickname

A ‘Wrapper’ is a mechanism used to access the federated data source. The ‘Server’ defines the data source to a federated database. User Mapping establishes the mapping between the Federating Server user id and the user id on the actual data source. The nickname is used to access the data source object.

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