HP Vectra VL800 desktop & minitower technical reference manual

HP Vectra VL800 desktop & minitower technical reference manual

This manual is a technical reference and BIOS document for engineers and technicians providing system level support. It is assumed that the reader possesses a detailed understanding of AT-compatible microprocessor functions and digital addressing techniques. Technical information that is readily available from other sources, such as manufacturers’ proprietary publications, has not been reproduced. This manual contains summary information only. For additional reference material, refer to the bibliography on the following page. For all warning and safety instructions, refer to the user guide delivered with the PC Workstation.

This chapter introduces the external features of the HP Vectra VL800 Desktop PC, and lists the specifications and characteristic data of the system. It also provides a summary of the documentation available.
The HP Vectra VL800 is based on the ATX form factor. The following table provides an overview of the system.

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